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For the first time previously unknown three kinds of traumatic dislocation of shin has been described (floating knee-joint, floating hip, latent shin dislocation), and little-known four kinds of dislocation, - recurrent, habitual, angular, posttraumatic primary-chronic (previously described by the author for the first time) and rare voluntary shin dislocation which develops after traumatic. Terminology, diagnostics and outcomes are described. The general clinical material - 228 patients.

About the Authors

M. M. Dyatlov
Gomel state Medical University

S. I. Kirilenko
Gomel state Medical University


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For citations:

Dyatlov M.M., Kirilenko S.I. DIAGNOSTICS AND TERMINOLOGY OF RARE KINDS OF TRAUMATIC DISLOCATION OF SHIN. Health and Ecology Issues. 2006;(2):17-21. (In Russ.)

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