There was performed the analysis of chlamydial and mycoplasmic infections on atherosclerosis development. Vessels samples of 89 corpses (35,2±9,8 years old) and blood serum of 98 donors (35,1±7,9 years old) were included into the investigation. As the result of PCR analysis of atherosclerotically changed vessels samples C.pneumoniae genom was revealed in 45,2%, M.pneumoniae - 67,9% of cases. Revelation indices of DNA C.pneumoniae and M.pneumoniae for died of atherosclerosis manifestations (n = 25) and from accidental causes (n = 64) were approximately at the same level (P › 005). Antigen material of the studied pathogens was reliably more often revealed in the endothelium of people died of atherosclerosis (P < 0,05). As the result of every month monitoring of the specific immune response there were determined high indices (4 and more times a year) of chlamydial and mycoplasmic infections activation in donors - 55,1% and 79,6%, respectively. The received data correspond with infectious inflammatory conception of atherosclerosis.
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For citations:
Linkevitch E.Ye. СHLAMYDOPHILIA PNEUMONIAE И MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE: ASSOCIATION WITH ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2005;(3):55-59. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2005-2-3-10