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By means of multiprimer modification of polymerase chain reaction 92 women with clinical and subclinical signs of papillomaviral infection, I-III stage dysplasia of the cervix, preinvasive and microinvasive (Т1a1NоMо) cervical carcinoma have been examined. Toolkit «Ampli-Sense High Risk HPV» made in Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology was used. The toolkit is designed for detection and differentiation of HPV DNA of high and medium carcinogenic risk: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 type. In patients with III stage dysplasia, intraepithelial and microinvasive carcinoma we detected significant increase of high oncogenic risk HPV in comparison with patients with I-II stage dysplasia, koilocytosis, condylomas and latent form of PVI (85,7 ± 5,0% versus 62,7 ± 7,3%) (р < 0,05). It is typical that with the increase of severity of dysplasia of the cervix in patients with intraepithelial and microinvasive carcinoma the reliable growth of HPV associations (2 and more types of HPV) and predominance of high oncogenic risk viruses in them (53 ± 7,1% versus 25,6 ± 6,6%) (р < 0,01) was observed.

About the Author

V. N. Belyakovsky
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Belyakovsky V.N. HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS IDENTIFICATION IN PATIENTS WITH PATHOLOGY OF CERVIX. Health and Ecology Issues. 2005;(1):78-82. (In Russ.)

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