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Aim of this work is to study acupuncture influence to the fatty acids level in oral fluid. We carried out clinicolaboratory tests for 513 persons at the age from 15 to 25 years. All of them were subjected to the oral fluid examination in order to determine level of fatty acids (pabnitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid). Oral fluid samples were placed in liquid nitrogen under the temperature of -196°C. Results of investigation were evident of positive acupuncture influence to biochemical processes in oral fluid. It gives to suggest that acupuncture is one of component of complex caries preventive procedures.

About the Authors

I. O. Pohodenko-Chudakova
Belarus State Medical University

A. K. Leksina
Belarus State Medical University


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For citations:

Pohodenko-Chudakova I.O., Leksina A.K. ACUPUNCTURE INFLUENCE TO THE FATTY ACIDS LEVEL IN ORAL FLUID. Health and Ecology Issues. 2005;(1):34-38. (In Russ.)

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