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137Cs и 241Am in Narovlya District of Belarus: Updated Radiological Assessment of the Local Existing Exposure Situation


Objective. To provide an assessment of 137Cs and 241Am levels in Narovlya district of the Gomel region adjacent to the Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve

Materials and methods. The data on soil and food contamination is obtained for 113 private backyards located
in 32 villages of the Narovlya district. A gamma-spectrometry technique was used to measure 241Am in soil and 137Сs in soil and food samples. 241Am in food samples was measured via a radiochemical method with the use of alpha-spectrometry measurement.

ResultsThe values of specific activity of radionuclides in the soil of all sites range from 230 to 2770 Bq/kg for 137Сs and do not exceed 10 Bq/kg for 241Am. The specific activities of 137Cs in food samples range from 3 to 160 Bq/kg, and the values of 241Am concentration stay within units or tens of millibecquerels per 1 kilo of a product. The estimates show that, considering the present-time 241Am contamination of locally produced foods, its share in the total internal radiation dose is not likely to be higher than 0.1% from both radionuclides, 137Сs and 241Am. However, inhalation of 241Am can increase its share in the total internal dose up to 3%. Consumption of 137Сs-contaminated foodstuffs may potentially cause 97 to 100% of the total internal radiation dose in the district.

Conclusion. At the present stage of the radioecological context in the existing exposure situation the major contribution to the public internal exposure is 137Сs intake through consumption of contaminated food that produced locally; its contribution is more than 97% of the total internal dose received by the Narovlya district residents. It is recommended to minimize any type of fieldworks on the dry and dusty soils that can cause excessive inhalation of the alpha-emitting 241Am.

About the Authors

V. N. Bortnovsky
Gomel State Medical University

Vladimir N. Bortnovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Prophylactic Medicine


E. K. Nilova
Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

Ekaterina K. Nilova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Radiation Safety


S. A. Kalinichenko
Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve

Sergey A. Kalinichenko, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Spectrometry and Radiochemistry



S. A. Tagai
Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve

Svetlana A. Tagai, Senior Researcher



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For citations:

Bortnovsky V.N., Nilova E.K., Kalinichenko S.A., Tagai S.A. 137Cs и 241Am in Narovlya District of Belarus: Updated Radiological Assessment of the Local Existing Exposure Situation. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(2):128-136. (In Russ.)

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