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Clinical-descriptive phenomenon of body dysmorphic disorder


This article provides a review of the literature on impaired perception of one’s own body. Modern views on the features of impaired perception of one’s own body are considered. The stages of development of the diagnosis of dysmorphic disorder and changes in scientific views on nosological affiliation are described. Describing a clinical case of a patient with dysmorphic symptoms in the structure of a personality disorder, we emphasize the clinical and social significance of the problem and difficulties in differential diagnosis and diagnosis verification.

About the Authors

T. P. Pitsko
Gomel State Medical University

Tatsiana P. Pitsko, Senior Lecturer of the Psychiatry Course at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the courses of Medical Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and the course of Advanced Training and Retraining


V. A. Ermolenko
Gomel State Medical University

Viktoria A. Ermolenko, Senior Lecturer of the Psychiatry Course at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the courses of Medical Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and the course of Advanced Training and Retraining


N. V. Hmara
Gomel State Medical University

Natalia V. Hmara, Senior Lecturer of the Psychiatry Course at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery wwith the courses of Medical Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and the course of Advanced Training and Retraining 



Ya. V. Tsvirko
Gomel State Medical University

Yanina V. Tsvirko, Assistant of the Psychiatry Course at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the courses of Medical Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and the course of Advanced Training and Retraining



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For citations:

Pitsko T.P., Ermolenko V.A., Hmara N.V., Tsvirko Ya.V. Clinical-descriptive phenomenon of body dysmorphic disorder. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(2):155-161. (In Russ.)

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