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Radiation-induced changes in the properties and functions of fibroblasts


This review is devoted to the analysis of the literature containing experimental and clinical data on radiation-induced changes in connective tissue and its cellular component to create an overall picture of the leading mechanisms of radiation fibrosis development.
The review analyzed publications for the period 1995-2022, presented in three academic databases: Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science. In the search process, various combinations of logical operators (or, and, not) were used to combine search keywords (ionizing radiation, connective tissue, fibroblasts) to find relevant studies in academic databases. The development of radiation fibrosis is determined by radiation-induced changes in the properties and functions of fibroblasts. The article discusses the main biological effects of irradiation of fibroblastic cells with X-ray, gamma and alpha radiation, presents the mechanisms of radiation-induced differentiation in the fibroblast/myofibroblast system, and also notes the role of connective tissue microenvironment and oxidative stress associated with mitochondria in this process. The main experimentally established effects presented in the review and the general scheme of the mechanisms of non-lethal action of ionizing radiation on fibroblasts contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of radiation-induced fibrosis development

About the Authors

T. D. Matveyenkava
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tatiana D. Matveyenkava, Junior Researcher at the Labo- ratory of Stability of Biological Systems


I. V. Nazarenko
Gomel State Medical University

Irina V. Nazarenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Diagnostics, Associate Professor of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Radiation Therapy with course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining


А. М. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

Аlexei М. Yurkovskiy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Radiation Therapy with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining


M. N. Starodubtseva
Gomel State Medical University; Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Maria N. Starodubtseva, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics; Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Stability of Biological Systems



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For citations:

Matveyenkava T.D., Nazarenko I.V., Yurkovskiy А.М., Starodubtseva M.N. Radiation-induced changes in the properties and functions of fibroblasts. Health and Ecology Issues. 2023;20(4):7–17. (In Russ.)

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