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Evaluation of the implementation of screening programs for early detection of breast and cervical cancer in the Gomel region


Objective. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the indicators of screening programs for early detection of breast and cervical cancer in the Gomel region.
Materials and methods. A total of 7,611 first-time detected cases of breast cancer and 1,370 cases of cervical cancer in the Gomel region were analyzed for the period 2012-2022 (according to Belarusian Cancer Registry). The results of examination of 105130 participants of the screening program for early detection of breast cancer and 70258 participants of the screening program for early detection of cervical cancer were analyzed.
Results. During the period 2017-2022, due to screening, 12% of cases of breast cancer were detected from the total number of newly diagnosed malignant breast pathologies. From 2018 to 2022, the proportion of newly detected cases of cervical cancer within the screening program increased from 0.83% to 2.61%, which indicates that the introduction of the screening program contributes to an increase in the detection of precancerous conditions of the cervix.
Conclusions. The screening program for breast cancer and cervical cancer has shown its effectiveness in detecting new cases of malignant neoplasms of these localizations. An important result of the screening conducted in the Gomel region is the fact that the observed trend towards a decrease in the detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer in the early stages does not give any cause for optimism, as this is evidence of a deterioration in the structure of the detected pathology.

About the Authors

V. S. Volchek
Gomel State Medical University

Vladislav S. Volchek, Postgraduate student of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare with the  course of FPDR


T. M. Sharshakova
Gomel State Medical University

Tamara M. Sharshakova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare with the course of FPDR


V. N. Belyakovsky
Gomel State Medical University

Vasily N. Belyakovsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Oncology


D. M. Los’
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary

Dmitry M. Los, Chief Physician of Gomel Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary


L. P. Zaitsava
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary

Larysa P. Zaitsava, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostician,  Head of the Centralized Cytological Laboratory



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For citations:

Volchek V.S., Sharshakova T.M., Belyakovsky V.N., Los’ D.M., Zaitsava L.P. Evaluation of the implementation of screening programs for early detection of breast and cervical cancer in the Gomel region. Health and Ecology Issues. 2023;20(2):88-97. (In Russ.)

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