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Identification of groups of residents in contaminated territories homogeneous in the external exposure dose by a set of informative factors-signs


Objective. On the basis of the regularities established earlier, to identify professionally and socially oriented, homogeneous by external exposure dose, groups of residents living in the contaminated with radionuclides territories according to the set of informative factor-signs.

Materials and methods. The present study is a continuation of the research of factors influencing external radiation dose formation in individuals living in areas contaminated with radionuclides. The data on external radiation doses for 25503 residents of Gomel region living in 289 settlements obtained by individual dosimetric control and the previously identified factors which statistically justify the external radiation dose formation were included in the study.

Results. Analysis of external exposure doses of Gomel region residents according to the set of informative factor-signs revealed that there is a wide dispersion of doses among different social groups which allowed to form professionally and socially oriented homogeneous groups according to external exposure dose taking into account dose forming factors revealed earlier. The results of the study statistically demonstrate that informative factor-signs: professional employment, age and gender affiliation together influence individual external exposure dose formation.

Conclusion. Professional homogeneous groups of different social groups were formed based on a set of informative factor-signs which determine its formation in individuals living in areas contaminated with radionuclides. This will become the basis for developing the method of reconstruction and prognosis of individualized external exposure dose in the future. 

About the Authors

D. B. Kulikovich
Gomel State Medical University

Dmitry B. Kulikovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


N. G. Vlasova
Gomel State Medical University; Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

Natalie G. Vlasova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Radiation Protection Laboratory, Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Professor at the Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine at Gomel State Medical University



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For citations:

Kulikovich D.B., Vlasova N.G. Identification of groups of residents in contaminated territories homogeneous in the external exposure dose by a set of informative factors-signs. Health and Ecology Issues. 2023;20(1):123-130. (In Russ.)

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