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Pathomorphological changes in the organs of laboratory animals with experimental liver cirrhosis


Objective. Develop an experimental model of liver cirrhosis and describe pathomorphological changes in organs and tissues of laboratory animals.

Materials and methods. Liver cirrhosis was simulated on 11 sexually mature Wistar male white rats. The control group consisted of 12 healthy laboratory animals. Acute toxic liver injury resulting in cirrhosis was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 50% tetrachloromethane (CCl4) solution on olive oil on the first day of the experiment in the dosage of 0.1 ml CCl4 + 0.4 ml olive oil per 100 g of the animal body weight, on the second day of the experiment 0.3 ml CCl4 + 0.2 ml olive oil per 100 g of the animal body weight. To synergize and potentiate the hepatotoxic effect of CCl4, animals had 10% ethanol solution freely available daily. The duration of the experiment was 65 days. Clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated, histological evaluation of the preparations was performed. The obtained data were compared with the control group of animals.

Results. Reproducibility of the model was 82% (9 animals). The indicator of lymphocyte blabbing index showed the development of liver cirrhosis in animals of the experimental group. Comprehensive morphological confirmation of the developed liver cirrhosis was obtained.

Conclusion. The proposed methodology of liver cirrhosis formation correlates with pathomorphological changes in lymphocyte cell wall, changes in liver tissue and internal organs in human liver cirrhosis.

About the Authors

D. A. Evseenko
Gomel State Medical University

Dmitry A. Evseenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2


Z. A. Dundarov
Gomel State Medical University

Zalimhan A. Dundarov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2


E. A. Nadyrov
Gomel State Medical University

Eldar A. Nadyrov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Pathological Anatomy



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For citations:

Evseenko D.A., Dundarov Z.A., Nadyrov E.A. Pathomorphological changes in the organs of laboratory animals with experimental liver cirrhosis. Health and Ecology Issues. 2023;20(1):91-100. (In Russ.)

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