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Possibilities of using instrumental diagnostic methods for dynamic monitoring of patients with COVID-19-associated lung disease


Objective. Тo evaluate the possibility of using instrumental methods (spirometry and ultrasound diagnostics) for dynamic monitoring of patients with COVID-19-associated lung disease.

Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, we performed a comprehensive instrumental diagnosis of respiratory system lesions in 58 patients (age - 56.0 years [31; 65]) with confirmed COVID-19, followed by examination of indexes of external respiratory function and ultrasound pattern in the dynamics.

Results. In the process of dynamic observation, there was a parallelism of changes in the indexes of external respiratory function and changes revealed by lung ultrasound in patients with COVID-19.

Conclusion.Combination of such methods of lung condition examination as spirometry and ultrasound diagnostics allows effective dynamic monitoring of COVID-19 patients without use of imaging methods associated with radiation exposure.

About the Authors

I. V. Nazarenko
Gomel State Medical University

Iryna V. Nazarenko, PhD (Med), Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine and Diagnostics, Ass. Professor of department of the radiology 


A. M. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

Аlexei М. Yurkovskiy, PhD (Med), Ass. Professor, Head
of department of the radiology


E. V. Voropaev
Gomel State Medical University

Evgenii V. Voropaev, PhD (Med), Associate Professor,
Vice-Rector in charge of scientific work



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For citations:

Nazarenko I.V., Yurkovskiy A.M., Voropaev E.V. Possibilities of using instrumental diagnostic methods for dynamic monitoring of patients with COVID-19-associated lung disease. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(4):81-86. (In Russ.)

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