Relationship between styles of self-regulation and aggression in alcohol addictied individuals
Objective. The article considers and confirms a statically significant relationship between styles of self-regulation and aggression in alcohol-addicted individuals. The revealed relationship made it possible to determine the violation of the process of self-regulation and the spontaneous manifestation of various types of aggression common to persons with alcohol addiction.
Materials and methods. The study sample included 295 men with alcohol addiction syndrome (F10.2) aged 21 to 60 years, mean age 40.7±8.9 years, and alcohol consumption averaged 13.5 years. The following materials were used for the study: the methodology “Types of aggressiveness” developed by L. G. Pochebut (2012); questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior” (SSRM). Statistical package SPSS 19.0 was used for statistical analysis. The Spearman correlation coefficient for independent samples was used, and the difference between two independent samples was estimated using the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results. Identified difference between persons in LTP (group I) and persons in hospital (group III) in parameters of “Planning” and “Independence” (p <0.01) The noted average level in all groups I, II and III in the parameters of the scale “General indicator of self-regulation” and revealed weak and moderate negative relationships of the scale “General indicator of self-regulation” with the scale “General level of aggression”. There was a significant decrease in indicators below the average level in persons of group III on all scales: “Planning”, “Programming”, “Flexibility”, “Modeling”, “Evaluation of results”, “Independence” and “General indicator of self-regulation”. The revealed difference between groups I and III in terms of “Planning” and “Independence” (p <0.01) showed that as they stop consuming alcohol in isolation, people in group I gradually regain access to awareness, adaptive restraint, perspective thinking and selfregulation.
Conclusion. The main rehabilitation work in the conditions of the penitentiary system should be aimed at increasing volitional self-regulation, the formation of positive attitudes, the restoration of social and normative qualities and skills of prosocial interaction.
About the Authors
I. V. GrigoryevaBelarus
Inessa V. Grigoryeva Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Narcology Department
A. V. Khodzhaev
Alexander V. Khodzhaev Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director
A. V. Gamova
Anastasia V. Gamova Junior Researcher, Department of
S. S. Kononov
Stanislav S. Kononov Junior Researcher, Department of
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For citations:
Grigoryeva I.V., Khodzhaev A.V., Gamova A.V., Kononov S.S. Relationship between styles of self-regulation and aggression in alcohol addictied individuals. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(4):56-65. (In Russ.)