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Recurrent bacterial vaginosis


The relevance of the problem of recurrent urogenital infection is determined by its highest prevalence in the structure of gynecological morbidity. At present, the proportion of diseases of the lower genital tract associated with a quantitative imbalance of opportunistic pathogens of the vagina of a bacterial nature continues to increase.

The author systematized conceptually new knowledge on pathogenetic features of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age, current methods of clinical and laboratory diagnosis of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, modern effective methods for the treatment, proposed by both domestic and foreign experts and used to prevent complications and prevent recurrence.

About the Author

N. P. Pyatkova
Gomel State Medical University

Natalia P. Pyatkova, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the course of Advanced Training and Retraining



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For citations:

Pyatkova N.P. Recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(2):7-14. (In Russ.)

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