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Instrumental method with impedimetric detection for the evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of materials used for medical masks


Objective. To optimize the parameters for testing the antimicrobial activity of modified non-woven materials used for the manufacture of medical masks against microorganism isolates with strong phenotypic aggression signs, and to quantify their antimicrobial potential using a method with impedimetric detection.
Materials and methods. The antimicrobial potential was assessed by simulating a direct contact of the material after treatment with octenidine dihydrochloride solutions under in vitro conditions by the method with impedimetric detection based on the proposed IDT marker – duration of the lag-phase of the growth of a test stain population using the software of a microbiological analisator. The antimicrobial potential was calculated according to the proposed formula and evaluated in accordance with a reasonable quantitative scale.
Results. The parameters for testing the antimicrobial activity of nonwoven materials with antimicrobial octenidine dihydrochloride treatment using an instrumental method with impedimetric detection have been optimized in laboratory conditions. It was found that Escherichia coli 43-02012021 isolate, Enterobacter cloaceae 14-21072021 isolate were more sensitive to the impact of the sample obtained by the method of electron beam deposition of octenidine hydrochloride from the active gas phase compared with the sample obtained by wet impregnation from octenidine hydrochloride solution in vacuum.
Conclusion. The evaluation method with the impedimetric detection principle expands the arsenal of instrumental methods of quantitative determination of the antimicrobial potential of nonwoven materials. The standard deviations of σ measurements were 4.4-8.1 %, which is acceptable for obtaining reliable results under the conditions of intralaboratory testing.

About the Author

N. V. Dudchik
Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene

Natallia V. Dudchik, DBiolSc, Associate Professor, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory



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For citations:

Dudchik N.V. Instrumental method with impedimetric detection for the evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of materials used for medical masks. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(3):130-134. (In Russ.)

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