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Statistical analysis of factors contributing to the formation of the external radiation dose


Objective. To determine factors contributing to the formation of the external radiation dose in individuals living in radionuclide-contaminated areas.
Materials and methods. 25,503 residents from 289 settlements of the Gomel region were examined by the method of thermoluminescent dosimetry.
Results. Some statistically significant differences between the doses in men and women were revealed. The study of age and sex groups found that the values of the external radiation dose in young men were 11% as high as those in women of the same age group. The values of the external radiation dose in elderly men were almost 10% as high as those in women of this group. The analysis of the type of activity of all the examined individuals has showed a large variation of external exposure dose values: on average, the external radiation dose is 32% as high in individuals who due to the nature of their practical activities stay outdoors for a long time as that in individuals who work in shielded premises and buildings.
Conclusion. The factors contributing to the formation of the external exposure dose in individuals living in radionuclide-contaminated areas have been identified.

About the Authors

D. B. Kulikovich
Gomel State Medical University

Dmitry B. Kulikovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


N. G. Vlasova
Gomel State Medical University; Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

Natalie G. Vlasova, DBioSc, Professor, Head of the Department of the Radiation Protection Laboratory, Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology; Professor at the Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine



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For citations:

Kulikovich D.B., Vlasova N.G. Statistical analysis of factors contributing to the formation of the external radiation dose. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(3):99-105. (In Russ.)

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