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Ultrasound diagnosis of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction


Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive study of the entire arterial tract of erectile function (EF) in patients with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction (ED) to determine the tactics of correction.
Material and methods. 83 patient with newly diagnosed organic ED (N48.4 ICD-10) were examined. Ultrasound examination of the arteries of the aorto-iliac segments, transperineal examination of the internal pudendal arteries (IPA), arteries of the penis in a state of de-and tumescence, transrectal examination of the prostatectomy gland (TRUS), multispiral computed tomography (MSCT), angiography of the pelvic arteries in men.
Results. A transperineal ultrasound examination of the VPA has been developed, which makes it possible to evaluate important morphometric and hemodynamic features of the artery on the perineum, effectively determine the stenoocclusive lesions of the VPA, while the accuracy of the method is 92.4%, sensitivity is 95.38%, specificity is 89.36%, which is comparable to MSCT angiography.
Conclusion. The obtained information about arterial blood flow in the IPA basin using transperineal ultrasound is the advantage of this non-invasive diagnostic method. For the full diagnosis of arteriogenic ED, traditional ultrasound of the IF should be supplemented with ultrasound assessment of the arteries of the aorto-iliac segments, IPA for the study of the entire arterial tract with the subsequent choice of the proper correction tactics.

About the Authors

V. V. Parhomenko
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

Volha V. Parhomenko, physician of ultrasound diagnostics


E. A. Povelitsa
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

Eduard A. Povelitsa, Ph. D. (Med.), urologist


A. N. Chukanov
Belarusian State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Alexei N. Chukanov, Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, rector



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For citations:

Parhomenko V.V., Povelitsa E.A., Chukanov A.N. Ultrasound diagnosis of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(3):65-72. (In Russ.)

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