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Laboratory criteria for early threatened miscarriage


Objective. To determine the role of placental growth factor, fibronectin, certain hemostatic parameters and glycodelin in the genesis of early miscarriage.
Materials and methods. Venous blood, inpatient medical records (form No.003/u-07), prenatal records (form No.113/u-07) of 94 pregnant women. The software package "Statistica" 10.0 and the programming language "R" version 4.1 were used for statistical analysis.
Results. Placental growth factor, fibronectin and glycodelin can be considered as laboratory markers of miscarriage during the first trimester of gestation.
Conclusion. The markers of early reproductive losses we have identified underlie the development of endothelial and hemostasiological disorders and morphofunctional inferiority of the endometrium.

About the Authors

L. V. Kastsova
Grodno State Medical University

Liubou V. Kastsova, postgraduate student at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


L. V. Gutikova
Grodno State Medical University

Ludmila V. Gutikova, DMedSc, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


M. N. Kurbat
Grodno State Medical University

Mikhail N. Kurbat, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory


V. R. Shulika
Grodno State Medical University

Valentina R. Shulika, researcher at the Research Laboratoty


A. Z. Kastsova
Grodno University Clinic

Ala Z. Kastsova, physician



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For citations:

Kastsova L.V., Gutikova L.V., Kurbat M.N., Shulika V.R., Kastsova A.Z. Laboratory criteria for early threatened miscarriage. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(2):76-81. (In Russ.)

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