Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy in complex anatomical and technical conditions
The work describes a clinical case of urgent percutaneous dilational tracheostomy in complicated conditions. The surgery was performed on a 47-year-old patient with decompensated stenosis of the larynx associated with a massive recurrent malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. It was not possible to perform a standard tracheostomy procedure due to widespread tumor infiltration of the trachea and soft tissues of the neck, extensive scars after previous operations, the inability to extend the neck due to Bekhterev’s disease. In addition, the patient developed severe dyspnoea in the supine position. Given the above, low percutaneous dilational tracheostomy was performed under local anesthesia directly above the jugular notch of the sternum in the patient’s sitting position. Due to the absence of specialized tools at the General Surgery Department of the Central District Hospital, a set for percutaneous nephrostomy was used. This technique can be used in urgent situations when it is impossible to perform standard conicotomy or tracheostomy.
About the Authors
S. S. BrichBelarus
Sergej S. Brich, surgeon of the highest qualification category
Staryja Darohi
S. V. Pinchuk
Sergej V. Pinchuk, Head of the Surgery Department, surgeon of the first qualification category
Staryja Darohi
I. V. Mikhailov
Igor V. Mikhailov, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Head of the Oncology Department
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For citations:
Brich S.S., Pinchuk S.V., Mikhailov I.V. Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy in complex anatomical and technical conditions. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(1):134-138. (In Russ.)