Analysis of clinico-morphological and molecular-genetic markers in patients with chronic dermatosis followed by face skin atrophy
Objective: to identify associations between clinico-morphological and molecular-genetic markers in skin biopsy on the basis of a complex analysis.
Material and methods. Skin punch-biopsies with a diameter from 1 till 4 mm were used as a material for research. To assess the morphological charcateristis of the skin, the histological analysis was carried out; to assess the level of gene expression, real time PCR with reverse transcription was performed.
Results. It has been found that the presence of morphological alterations in the skin of patients with chronic dermatosis is associated with the levels of normalized expression of СOL1A1 gene less than 100 % and/or gene COL1A2 gene less than 200 % and/or gene LOX less than 50 %.
Conclusion. Real time PCR with reverse transcription can be used for objective assessment of the degree of skin alteration in patients with chronic dermatosis.
About the Authors
S. A. KostiukBelarus
Svetlana A. Kostiuk – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief researcher at the Science-Research Laboratory of Belarusian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education
I. G. Shimanskaya
Irina G. Shimanskaya – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology of the SIE «Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education»
T. V. Rudenkova
Tatyana V. Rudenkova – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading researcher at the Science-Research Laboratory of Belarusian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education
O. S. Poluyan
Olga S. Poluyan – Leading researcher of the Science-Research Laboratory of Belarusian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education
T. V. Hlinkina
Tatyana V. Hlinkina – Researcher at the Science-Research Laboratory of Belarusian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education
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For citations:
Kostiuk S.A., Shimanskaya I.G., Rudenkova T.V., Poluyan O.S., Hlinkina T.V. Analysis of clinico-morphological and molecular-genetic markers in patients with chronic dermatosis followed by face skin atrophy. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(2):136-142. (In Russ.)