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Limited scleroderma: sonographic pattern in the stage of erythema/edema


Objective. To describe the sonopattern of limited scleroderma (LS) in the early stages after the onset of erythema.

Materials and methods. The work describes a clinical case of limited plaque scleroderma. The sonographic examination was carried out on an ultrasound scanner using a transducer with operating frequencies of 10–16–18 MHz. Material sampling for the histologic examination of the skin was performed from the area with the most pronounced inflammatory changes under sonographic control.

Results. It has been found that increased echogenicity of the dermis, “blurring” of the dermis/hypodermis boundary, increased echogenicity and the “stalactite-like” pattern of subcutaneous fat occur in the frst week of the disease; normalization or a signifcant improvement of the sonopattern is noted by the end of the second week or by the beginning of the third week after the onset of erythema.

Conclusion. There is a certain parallelism between the histologic and sonographic patterns, which makes it possible to adequately assess both the activity and the stage of the LS process.

About the Authors

A. M. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

Yurkovskiy A.M., PhD (Med), Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Radiation Therapy with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining 



L. A. Pаroshуna
Gomel State Medical University

Paroshyna L.A., Senior Lecturer at Department of Internal Diseases No.2 with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining 


S. L. Achinovich
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Achinovich S.L., PhD (Med), Head of the Pathoanatomical Department 



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For citations:

Yurkovskiy A.M., Pаroshуna L.A., Achinovich S.L. Limited scleroderma: sonographic pattern in the stage of erythema/edema. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(3):137-143. (In Russ.)

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