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Features of simulation-based learning in students of medical colleges


Objective. To determine the order of the application of simulation-based learning (SBL) elements during the period of professional training in a medical college.

Materials and methods. We analyzed literature sources on the research problem, regulatory documents and academic programs of medical colleges, used the methods of questioning and survey.

Results. Each of the identifed stages (preclinical, clinical, professional) of the SBL model of training has its own characteristics and potentialities for the implementation of certain SBL elements. The application of SBL elements occurs in steps depending on the term of training and is aimed at overcoming diffculties arising in the process of professional adaptation.

Conclusion. The step-by-step introduction of SBL elements depending on the stages of professional adaptation in a medical college makes it possible to regulate the preparatory process for students depending on their understanding of educational material, which allows them to acquire clinical experience of professional activity during the training period and to improve psychological readiness for unsupervised professional activity.

About the Authors

L. N. Laptieva
Polessky State University

Ludmila N. Laptieva, PhD (Ped), Associate Professor at the Chair of Health-Improvement and Adaptation Physical Training 


E. I. Rublevskaya
Gomel Regional Clinical Skin and Venereal Diseases Dispensary

Ekaterina I. Rublevskaya, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Chief Medical Offcer



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For citations:

Laptieva L.N., Rublevskaya E.I. Features of simulation-based learning in students of medical colleges. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(3):124-131. (In Russ.)

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