Advantages and disadvantages of the use of eHealth technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
Objective: to evaluate the experience and possibilities of the use of eHealth technologies during the pandemic.
Material and methods. A systematic review of literature containing information about the use of telemedicine, crowdsourcing monitoring and other eHealth resources during the COVID-19 pandemic was performed.
Results. The main advantages and disadvantages of the use of eHealth technologies have been highlighted, the main problems arising on the way of their implementation have been identified and options for their solution have been proposed.
Conclusion. In developed countries the COVID-19 pandemic has already accelerated the implementation of eHealth as a tool to combat the pandemic. But despite this, new laws and regulations governing liability in the field of remote treatment are needed, as well as guidelines regarding the use of crowdsourcing disease monitoring systems in addition to traditional epidemiological surveillance systems.
About the Authors
K. M. SemutenkoBelarus
Konstantin M. Semutenko – Senior lecturer at the Military Department of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»
T. M. Sharshakova
Шаршакова Тамара Михайловна – д.м.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой общественного здоровья и здравоохранения с курсом ФПКиП
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For citations:
Semutenko K.M., Sharshakova T.M. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of eHealth technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(2):103-106. (In Russ.)