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Evaluation of the parameters of pulse signals applied in electrical stimulation using a new experimental device in the course of Medical and Biological Physics


Objective. To develop an experimental device, an algorithm for visual and analytical evaluation of the parameters of pulse signals used in electrical stimulation for further application in the course of Medical and Biological Physics.

Materials and methods. The data obtained with the help of the experimental device were used as research materials. The analysis of the obtained results (characteristics of the pulse signal) was carried out with the analytical and numerical methods.

Results. The proposed experimental device for receiving and analyzing pulse signals applied in electrical stimulation in education allows mastering the methods of the determination of the parameters of pulse signals, studying the methods to alter the characteristics of pulse signals used in electrical stimulation.

Conclusion. The application of the experimental device makes it possible to acquire skills to evaluate the parameters and characteristics of difference pulse signals through their visualization and analytical evaluation.

About the Authors

A. L. Kazushchyk
Gomel State Medical University

Alexander L. Kazushchyk, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


E. S. Petrova
Gomel State Medical University

Elena S. Petrova, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


A. I. Savitsky
Gomel State Medical University

Alexander I. Savitsky, Assistant lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


D. B. Kulikovich
Gomel State Medical University

Dmitry B. Kulikovich, Assistant lecturer at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics



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For citations:

Kazushchyk A.L., Petrova E.S., Savitsky A.I., Kulikovich D.B. Evaluation of the parameters of pulse signals applied in electrical stimulation using a new experimental device in the course of Medical and Biological Physics. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(3):80-85. (In Russ.)

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