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Genetic control of the predisposition to suicide and aggressive behavior


It has been established recently that both genes and the environment contribute to the risk of suicide. In this case, a combination of genes predisposing to certain qualities is of paramount importance. In the article, the authors provide an analytical review of literature devoted to the study of the genetic aspects of suicidality.

About the Authors

S. A. Kostiuk
Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Svetlana A. Kostiuk, DMedSc, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Science-Research Laboratory 


S. V. Davidouskij
Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Sergej V. Davidouskij, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology Department 


D. D. Kostiuk
Wrocław State University, Institute of Psychology

Darya D. Kostiuk, student 


O. S. Poluyan
Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Russian Federation

Olga S. Poluyan, PhD (Med), Leading Researcher at the Science-Research Laboratory 



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For citations:

Kostiuk S.A., Davidouskij S.V., Kostiuk D.D., Poluyan O.S. Genetic control of the predisposition to suicide and aggressive behavior. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(3):23-32.

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
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