Correlation of the magnetic resonance imaging apparent diffusion coefficient with the count of cellularity in the histological material in different morphological types of lymphomas
Objective: to evaluate the correlation between the values of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and the count of cellularity in histological material and to establish a relationship between the cellular structure and the prognostic properties of MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (MRIDWI) in various morphological types of lymphomas.
Materials and methods. 101 patients with morphologically verified lymphoma (Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) — 52 patients, non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) — 49) underwent whole body MRI-DWI before treatment and ADC measurement in the target lesion. An excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed from the same anatomical area and the count of cellularity in the histological material was determined.
Results. In HL, aggressive NHL and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), ADC is statistically significantly higher, and cellularity is lower than in indolent NHL and cells of the mantle zone of NHL. We have found an inverse correlation between the values of ADC and cellularity in aggressive NHL (ρ = -0.47, p = 0.005) and DLBCL (ρ = -0.48, p = 0.006).
Conclusion. ADC values depend on the cellular structure of the lymphomas. The correlation of ADC and cellularity values of various morphological types of lymphomas allows explaining the prognostic properties of ADC.
About the Authors
S. A. KharuzhykBelarus
Siarhei A. Kharuzhyk, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, radiologist at the Department of Radiology
O. R. Aniskevich
Oleg R. Aniskevich, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Pathological Anatomy
E. A. Zhavrid
Edward A. Zhavrid, DMedSc, Professor, Chief researcher at the Laboratory of Photodynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia with a Group of Chemotherapy
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For citations:
Kharuzhyk S.A., Aniskevich O.R., Zhavrid E.A. Correlation of the magnetic resonance imaging apparent diffusion coefficient with the count of cellularity in the histological material in different morphological types of lymphomas. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(2):102-112. (In Russ.)