Surgical anatomy of the superior gluteal artery and internal iliac vein in individuals of the brahimorphic somatotype
Objective: to determine the variants of the syntopy of the internal iliac vein (IIV) and superior gluteal artery (SGA) in individuals of the brachimorphic somatotype.
Materials and methods. The material for research was 29 dead bodies of males (from 25 to 82 years) and 11 dead bodies of females (from 28 to 78 years) who had died of causes not related to pelvic pathology. The vascular injection, preparation methods, and statistical processing of the obtained data were used to achieve the objective.
Results. It has been found that, regardless of gender, the frequency of variants of the spatial localization of IIV and SGA, in which it is relatively safe to perform a. glutea superior ligation, is approximately equal, which is ≈ 24 % for men and ≈ 23 % for women.
Conclusion. The performed study has showed that the variants of IIV and SGA syntopy, in which it is advisable to perform IIA ligation, are much more common than types of the spatial localization of v. iliacainterna and a. glutea superior in which selective ligation of SGA is possible.
About the Authors
M. G. ShkvarkoBelarus
Michail G. Shkvarko, PhD (Med), Assосiate Professor at the Department of Human Anatomy with the courses of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
K. A. Radetskaya
Ksenia A. Radetskaya, a fifth year student of the Faculty of General Medicine
O. Smith
Olya Smith, scientist-cytogeneticist
V. N. Zhdanovich
Vitaliy N. Zhdanovich, PhD (Med), Assосiate Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy with the courses of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
A. E. Malov
Russian Federation
Anatoliy E. Malov, PhD (Med), Assосiate Professor at the Department of Normal Human Anatomy
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For citations:
Shkvarko M.G., Radetskaya K.A., Smith O., Zhdanovich V.N., Malov A.E. Surgical anatomy of the superior gluteal artery and internal iliac vein in individuals of the brahimorphic somatotype. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(2):86-93. (In Russ.)