Inguinal hernias in elderly patients. Strategy for choosing a surgical treatment method
Objective: to evaluate the existing approaches to the treatment of inguinal hernias in the elderly and to propose a strategy for choosing the method of surgical treatment taking into account the metric assessment of the state of the topographical and anatomical parameters of the inguinal canal.
Materials and methods. The analysis of surgical interventions for inguinal hernias in elderly patients in surgical in-patient clinics of the Grodno region over 2018–2019 was carried out. The morphometric parameters of the inguinal canal being determinants for choosing the method of hernioplasty were studied in 39 elderly patients.
Results. The coefficient for choosing the method of inguinal herniation (K) has been proposed. It is calculated by the formula: К = h : m, where h is the height of the inguinal space (mm), m is the total thickness of the upper wall of the inguinal canal (mm). At K>4.83 they choose atension methods of hernioplasty.
Conclusion. The use of the coefficient for choosing the method of inguinal hernioplasty has made it possible to reduce the number of recurrent hernias in the long-term postoperative period from 5.7 % to 2.0 % of cases.
For citations:
Smotryn S.M., Zhuk S.A., Novitskaya V.S., Kopytski A.V. Inguinal hernias in elderly patients. Strategy for choosing a surgical treatment method. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(2):71-78. (In Russ.)