Influence of physical exercise on cardiovascular parameters in students with different types of blood flow autoregulation
Objective: to assess cardiovascular parameters in medical students depending on the type of blood flow autoregulation during physical exercise.
Material and methods. We examined 58 students whose average age was 19 ± 1.13 years. During the examination, we recorded electrocardiograms (ECG), registered the parameters of central hemodynamics and determined systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate. We performed the comparison of the parameters of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in students with different types of blood flow autoregulation (BFA) (cardiac, cardiovascular and vascular) during physical exercise.
Results. The study has identified the dynamics of electrocardiographic and rheographic parameters during physical exercise expressed in excessive activation of energy resources and strain of the CVS functioning in young men with the cardiac type of BFA, which provides adaptation to short-term effects of disturbing environmental factors. On the contrary, the vascular type of BFA is the most economical, and this type of CVS has a wide range of the function mobilization to long-term physical activity.
Conclusion. The study has found statistically significant differences in the cardiovascular parameters in the students with different types of blood flow autoregulation during physical activity.
About the Authors
S. N. MelnikBelarus
Svetlana N. Melnik, Associate Professor, Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head of the Department of Normal and Pathologic Physiology, Gomel
L. A. Belaya
Lyudmila A. Belaya, lecturer at the Department of Normal and Pathologic Physiology, Gomel
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For citations:
Melnik S.N., Belaya L.A. Influence of physical exercise on cardiovascular parameters in students with different types of blood flow autoregulation. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(1):138-145. (In Russ.)