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Ascariasis as a factor changing the expression levels of BIRC-5, GLI, VEGF and TP53 suppressor gene in tissue biopsies in rats during the reproduction of experimental C6 glioma


Objective: to study ascariasis as a factor leading to changes in the expression levels of BIRC-5, GLI, VEGF and the TP53 suppressor gene in tissue biopsies in rats during the reproduction of experimental C6 glioma.

Material and methods. C6 glioma tumor was modelled in situ in female rats of the first (“control group with tumor”) and second groups (“glioma in combination with ascariasis”). The material was taken on the 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th days of tumor development in the animals of the first group, on the 7th (14th day of tumor development), 14th (21st day of tumor development), 21st (28th day of tumor development), 28th day after infection (35th day of tumor development) in the females of the second group. The animals of the third group were healthy (10 animals). Tissue biopsies were taken from them once.

Results. TThe A. suum invasion of the animals at a dose of 40 eggs per gram of animal body weight increases the expression of BIRC-5, GLI, VEGF genes and the TP53 suppressor gene in the rats with experimental glioma.

Conclusion. Therefore, the authors` experimental model of C6 glioma in situ in rats has showed that the A. suum invasion at a dose of 40 eggs per gram of body weight increases the expression of BIRC-5, GLI, VEGF genes and TP53 suppressor gene in rats with experimental glioma.

About the Author

V. V. Pabyarzhin
Vitebsk State Order of Peoples` Friendship Medical University

Vyacheslav V. Pabyarzhin, Dean of the Faculty of Overseas Citizens Training, Associate Professor at the Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Vitebsk


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For citations:

Pabyarzhin V.V. Ascariasis as a factor changing the expression levels of BIRC-5, GLI, VEGF and TP53 suppressor gene in tissue biopsies in rats during the reproduction of experimental C6 glioma. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(1):109-114. (In Russ.)

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