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Mild traumatic brain injury: current point of view on the problem


These article presents the results of an analysis of literary sources dealing with the problems of traumatic brain injury. All the analyzed articles were published in 2019 and placed in the PubMed database. The aim of the article is to analyze the results of recent studies dedicated to the investigation of this problem, acquaintance with the latest trends in this area.

About the Author

A. A. Rebko
Gomel State Medical University

Andrey A. Rebko lieutenant colonel of the medical service, senior lecturer at Military Department of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»



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10. Fanny Lecuyer Giguère, Andreas Frasnelli, Élaine De Guise & Johannes Frasnelli Olfactory, cogni-tive and affective dysfunction assessed 24 hours and one year after a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). Brain Inj. 2019 Jun;2019:1184-93.

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14. Cancelliere C, Mohammed RJ Brain Drain: Psy-chosocial Factors Influence Recovery Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: 3 Recommendations for Clinicians Assessing Psychosocial Factors J Orthop Sports. Phys Ther. 2019 Nov;49(11):842-44. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2019.8849.

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17. Vikane E, Frøyland K, Næss HL, Aßmus J, Skouen JS Predictors for Psychological Distress 2 Months After Mild Traumatic. Brain Injury Front Neurol. 2019 Jun;18(10):639. doi: 10.3389/fneur. 2019.00639


For citations:

Rebko A.A. Mild traumatic brain injury: current point of view on the problem. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(2):21-27. (In Russ.)

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