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Сhronic dizziness


The literature review highlights modern notions of dizziness. There are three types of the onset of chronic dizziness: originating from vertigo, chronic imbalance, and the one with unknown onset. Foreign researchers mention the most common type of chronic dizziness - persistent postural-perceptual dizziness, which has clear diagnostic criteria. The article considers the causes of occurrence, features of the clinical course, methods of diagnosis, and treatment of dizziness. Some guidelines for the management of patients with this disorder have been given

About the Authors

O. V. Nak
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No.4

Oksana V. Nak – neurologist of the Neurology Ward of Gomel City Clinical Hospital No.4


N. V. Galinovskaya
Gomel State Medical University

Natalya V. Galinovskaya – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining of the EI “Gomel State Medical University”


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For citations:

Nak O.V., Galinovskaya N.V. Сhronic dizziness. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(2):14-20. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
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