Somatotypological features of the formation of morphological status in the peripubertal period of ontogenesis
The performed analytical review of literature on constitutional features of the formation of morphological status in the peripubertal period of ontogenesis has found that somatometric indicators of schoolchildren living in different urban-ecological conditions statistically significantly differ but the identified trends in the physical development of children and adolescents are often contradictory. There is lack of synthesizing data that characterize the somatic status of different body type representatives among urban schoolchildren in Belarus, although these data are important for the assessment of the health status of children cohorts.
About the Author
V. A. MelnikBelarus
Viktor A. Melnik, D.Sc. (Biology), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty for International Students, Gomel
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For citations:
Melnik V.A. Somatotypological features of the formation of morphological status in the peripubertal period of ontogenesis. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(1):20-26. (In Russ.)