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Objective : to study the pathogenesis and to illustrate clinical cases of postaddictive hypochondriasis developing after severe psychopathological panic-like attacks. Material and methods . 3 patients with borderline psychic conditions undergoing treatment in the neurosis wards were included into the study. The methods of the study were psychopathological, anamnestic, clinical, and dynamical. Results . The study has exposed a complex structure of anxious and panic-like attacks which meets the criteria of existential crisis in the personality dynamics of constitutional anomalies with the pathologic drives and development of postaddictive hypochondriasis. Conclusion . The study has showed that postaddictive hypochondriasis belongs to the cluster of personality disorders.

About the Author

S. V. Tolkanets
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Tolkanets S.V. POSTADDICTIVE HYPOCHONDRIASIS. CASE REPORT. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(3):86-90. (In Russ.)

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