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Objective: to reveal significant clinical and demographic risk factors and pathomorphological features of the placenta in women with antenatal fetal death. Material and methods. The study included the retrospective analysis of 177 case histories of female patients who were delivered at the medical institutions of the city of Gomel within 2012-2016. The main group consisted of 87 women with antenatal fetal death at various gestational age. The comparison group included 90 women with a favorable pregnancy outcome. Results. The study has revealed pregravid risk factors of antenatal fetal death and the specific features of the course of pregnancy in women with antenatal fetal death: threat of abortion, chronic placental insufficiency, low placenta, polyhydramnios, fetal development delay syndrome, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, anemia, hypertensive disorders, pathomorphological features of the placenta (chronic placental insufficiency, placental hypoplasia, pathologically immature placenta, signs of ascending and hematogenic pathways of infection of the feto-placental system). Conclusion. Multiple factors of antenatal fetal death require a detailed analysis of each case of this pathology with the development of actual models of prevention and prognosis.

About the Authors

T. N. Zakharenkova
Gomel State Medical University

M. A. Santalova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Zakharenkova T.N., Santalova M.A. THE CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL PARALLELS IN ANTENATAL FETAL DEATH. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(3):18-24. (In Russ.)

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