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Objective: to compare the effectiveness of two approaches to the treatment of patients with low back pain syndrome: the traditional approach based on the classification of I.P.Antonov (1984) and more modern one based on the criteria of nonspecific pain. Material and methods. The work gives the data of complex examination and treatment of 628 patients of the main group and 79 patients of the comparison group. Results and discussion. Both the groups detected abnormalities from normal values with greater frequency in laboratory and tool methods of research. The duration of inpatient treatment of the patients of the main group was statistically significantly shorter due to a differentiated traditional approach to the treatment of patients with vertebrogenic lumbosacral pain syndrome. Conclusion. The traditional approach to the concretization of pain syndrome in lumbar osteochondrosis substantially in terms of effectiveness exceeds the concept of nonspecific pain in the lower back, references for which dominate in English-language sources.

About the Authors

A. I. Gamanovich
Military Clinical Medical Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus N 1134

B. V. Drivotinov
Belarusian State Medical University


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For citations:

Gamanovich A.I., Drivotinov B.V. LOW BACK PAIN SYNDROME, COMPARISON OF VIEWS ON THE PROBLEM. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(2):43-48. (In Russ.)

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