
Health and Ecology Issues

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Objective: to study features of nutrition of the population of Gomel region. Material and methods. The methodical basis of the study was selective one-time observation. A questionnaire which included 16 questions was developed. 1099 respondents (346 men and 753 women) took part in the questioning. On the basis of the carried out study the computer database SPSS.Statistics. 22 was created. To obtain evidence-based results, the prepared data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results. The population of Gomel region is characterized by a monotonous type of diet, which follows from the responses of 76 % respondents. At the same time, obesity was revealed in 17.1 % of the respondents. According to the obtained data, we found a deficit of some food products in daily diet (juices, fish, chicken, fruit, vegetables). 28.3 % of the respondents control their daily consumption of salt, whereas 71.2 % of the respondents do not. Also, it was revealed that 91.3 % of the respondents consume up to 5 g of salt a day, and 8.7 % - more than 5 g.

About the Authors

V. S. Kohanovskaya
Gomel Regional Centre of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health

T. M. Sharshakova
Gomel State Medical University

L. G. Soboleva
Gomel Regional Centre of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health


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For citations:

Kohanovskaya V.S., Sharshakova T.M., Soboleva L.G. FEATURES OF NUTRITION OF THE POPULATION OF GOMEL REGION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(1):80-88. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)