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Lymphangioma is a benign tumor of the lymphatic system which often develops during the embrionic period. The manifestation usually takes place before the age of 1 with non-specific clinical presentation. An obstetrician-gynecologist may face this pathology in the fetus and newborn as well as rendering emergency aid. The article presents two clinical cases of lymphangioma in a fetus and the newborn, and a 16 year-old child.

About the Authors

I. A. Korbut
Gomel State Medical University

T. N. Zaharenkova
Gomel State Medical University

T. . Nakamura
Children's Hospital of the Nagano prefecture, Japan

T. . Hiroma
Children's Hospital of the Nagano prefecture, Japan


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For citations:

Korbut I.A., Zaharenkova T.N., Nakamura T., Hiroma T. LYMPHANGIOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF AN OBSTETRICIAN-GYNECOLOGIST. Health and Ecology Issues. 2016;(4):105-110. (In Russ.)

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