Ключевые слова
Об авторах
Н. В. ХмараБеларусь
А. Н. Цитко
Д. А. Коваленко
Список литературы
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2. World Health Organization. Global status report on alcohol and health-2014. - World Health Organization, 2014.
3. Humeniuk, R. Validation of the alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test (ASSIST) / R. Humeniuk // Addiction. - 2008. - Т. 103, № 6. - С. 1039-1047.
4. Yudofsky, S. C. The Overt Aggression Scale for the objective rating of verbal and physical aggression / S. C. Yudofsky // The American journal of psychiatry. - 1986.
5. Combs, D. R. The Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire (AIHQ): a new measure for evaluating hostile social-cognitive biases in paranoia / D. R. Combs // Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. - 2007. - Т. 12, № 2. - С. 128-143.
6. Nawka, A. Gender differences in coerced patients with schizo-phrenia / A. Nawka // BMC psychiatry. - 2013. - Т. 13, № 1. - С. 257.
7. Abu-Akel, A. ‘Theory of mind’in violent and nonviolent patients with paranoid schizophrenia / A. Abu-Akel, K. Abushua'leh // Schizophrenia research. - 2004. - Т. 69, № 1. - С. 45-53.
8. Silver, H. Schizophrenia patients with a history of severe violence differ from nonviolent schizophrenia patients in perception of emotions but not cognitive function / H. Silver // Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. - 2005. - Т. 66, № 3. - С. 300-308.
9. Krakowski, M. I. The denial of aggression in violent patients with schizophrenia / M. I. Krakowski, P. Czobor // Schizophrenia research. - 2012. - Т. 141, № 2. - С. 228-233.
Для цитирования:
Хмара Н.В., Цитко А.Н., Коваленко Д.А. ШИЗОФРЕНИЯ И УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ АЛКОГОЛЯ. Проблемы здоровья и экологии. 2016;(3):110-113. https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2016-13-3-24
For citation:
Hmara N.V., Tsitko A.N., Kovalenko D.A. SCHIZOPHRENIA AND ALCOHOL ABUSE. Health and Ecology Issues. 2016;(3):110-113. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2016-13-3-24