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Acute ethylene glycol poisoning is a topical medical and social problem. According to the statistics, ethylene glycol poisoning ranks second among intoxications with technical liquids. The availability of ethylene glycol and lack of public awareness about its poisonous properties is a condition for the occurrence of poisoning. The clinical picture of ethylene glycol intoxication is characterized by the development of three successive stages: the first stage - CNS depression (narcotic phase), the second stage - toxic lesions of the heart and the lungs, the third stage - toxic lesions of the liver, kidneys with the development of acute kidney failure, as well as metabolic acidosis. The article presents a case report of acute poisoning with ethylene glycol, gives the results of the diagnostic activities, the dynamics of the clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters, describes the treatment of the patient.

About the Authors

A. M. Kravchenko
Gomel State Medical University

E. G. Malayeva
Gomel State Medical University

I. A. Hudyakov
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

E. V. Tsitko
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

A. A. Dmitrienko
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

A. A. Filitovich
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

T. M. Kostko
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

A. N. Kozlovskiy
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

A. P. Mistyukevich
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3

A. S. Denisov
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No3


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For citations:

Kravchenko A.M., Malayeva E.G., Hudyakov I.A., Tsitko E.V., Dmitrienko A.A., Filitovich A.A., Kostko T.M., Kozlovskiy A.N., Mistyukevich A.P., Denisov A.S. A CLINICAL CASE OF ACUTE ETHYLENE GLYCOL POISONING. Health and Ecology Issues. 2016;(2):89-95. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)