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Objective: to detect asthenia, weariness and sleep disorders in pediatricians. Material and methods. Cross-sectional study of 44 pediatricians with the use of a package of psychometric tools (scale for assessing weariness SB-2003, Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS), subjective rating scale of asthenia MFI-20). Results. 42 (95 %) of the respondents from the study group revealed moderate or severe emotional weariness. Only 5 (11 %) of the respondents did not reveal any signs of asthenic symptomatic complex. All the respondents in the survey had this or that form of a sleep disorder. Conclusion. The job of a pediatrician involves high-level professional emotional stress, which affects the quality of life, determines the psychological status and, later, somatic well-being, indirectly influencing the satisfaction of consumers of medical services. Asthenic symptoms, sleep disorders and emotional weariness, which are common among doctors of this specialty, may be indicative of circadian rhythm disorders associated with professional desynchronosis. The use of tranquillizers and sleeping pills, consumption of alcohol or other psychoactive substances in order to correct sleep disorders show a decrease or a failure in the adaptation potential of pediatricians under the impact of extreme loads and professionally deterministic disturbances of biological rhythms, inefficient psychological protection.

About the Authors

A. F. Krot
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

I. N. Lastovka
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk


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For citations:

Krot A.F., Lastovka I.N. PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION FEATURES IN PEDIATRICIANS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(1):92-96. (In Russ.)

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