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The liver has a high capacity to regenerate, which was already known in ancient Greece and exemplified in the Prometheus saga. Only over the past decades, studies of many scientists have covered the understanding of the molecular and cell biological mechanisms underlying liver regeneration. Such knowledge is of crucial importance for clinical medicine not only regarding liver physiology and pathology, but also for the use of stem cells for cell therapy and liver surgery. This article provides an overview of the current state of knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of liver regeneration, the roles of inflammation and angiogenesis in liver regeneration. Scientific advance and controversies will stimulate further research in this area.

About the Authors

A. N. Lyzikov
Gomel State Medical University

A. G. Skuratov
Gomel State Medical University

B. B. Osipov
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Lyzikov A.N., Skuratov A.G., Osipov B.B. MECHANISMS OF LIVER REGENERATION IN NORMAL AND PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(1):4-9. (In Russ.)

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