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Objective: to study the social and economic status of patients with urolithiasis and to identify the risk factors of occurrence and recurrence of the disease. Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective epidemiological study of the representative sample of 443 patients with urolithiasis (the main group of 403 patients without recurrences and 40 with recurrences) and 203 in-patients with other mainly acute urological pathology (control group) undergoing treatment at urology wards of healthcare institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Results. It was established that urolithiasis mainly affects people of the working age (75 %). The prevalence of the pathology increases with age (OR = 3.93; 95 % CI = 1.64-9.44) as well as stone formation recurrences (2.44; 1.21-4.93) occurring in 10-20 % of patients with urolithiasis over 40. It was found out that in terms of material welfare, education and employment the patients with urolithiasis did not differ from the control group. However, lower levels of these parameters among the patients with urolithiasis from rural areas points out to the risk of their limited access to medical care. It has been proved that the recurrence of urolithiasis increases the chances of worsening of the patients` well-being (3.43; 1.77-6.65), unemployment (2.26; 1.14-4.45), and disability (3.93, 1.64-9.44). Conclusion. Urolithiasis as a result of its recurrent chronic course is a significant social and economic burden that highlights the importance of prevention and metaphylaxis of the pathology.

About the Authors

O. Z. Detsyk
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Z. M. Mytnyk
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

D. B. Solomchak
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University


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For citations:

Detsyk O.Z., Mytnyk Z.M., Solomchak D.B. THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF MORBIDITY AND RECURRENCE OF UROLITHIASIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(4):80-85. (In Russ.)

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