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Objective: to study the effect of citrus pectin on the functional status of rats` colon. Material and methods. The experiments have been performed on male rats (n = 45) in accordance with the rules of the humane treatment of experimental animals. The doses of dietary fiber have been calculated by the physiological norm of human consumption, approved by the Committee on Health of the Russian Federation (2002) and accounted for 1.25 and 1.875 g/animal/day. Microbiological and biochemical studies have been carried out according to the conventional techniques. Results. It has been ascertained that long-term use (for 1 month) of citrus pectin at a dose of 1.25 g/animal/day leads to changes of the titer the positive microflora, but causes emergence of Citrobacter . The increase of pectin to 1.875 g/animal/day leads to a decrease in the concentration of specific probiotic microorganisms (Lactobacillus ssp. and Bifidobacterium ssp.), an increase in the pool of Enterobacteriaceae and potentially pathogenic Fungi. The material verified Citrobacter and Candida , which were not found in control animals. Applying both the doses of citrus pectin we noted an increase in the concentrations of acetic and butyric acids, acidification of the intestinal contents, as evidenced by the decrease in the pH of the animals` faeces. Conclusion. The experimental data make it possible to state that regular long-term consumption of citrus pectin at the permissible dose (1.25 g/animal/day) in the normal physiological state does not cause any changes in the probiotic intestinal flora but creates preconditions for enhancing colonization by opportunistic agents. The excess dose of the studied additive results in a significant decrease of pH values of the intestinal contents and enhanced proliferation of potentially pathogenic microorganisms.

About the Authors

E. V. Martsynkevich
Institute of Physiology of NAS of Belarus

S. B. Kondrasheva
Institute of Physiology of NAS of Belarus

V. A. Sedakova
Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov

T. M. Lukashenko
Institute of Physiology of NAS of Belarus


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For citations:

Martsynkevich E.V., Kondrasheva S.B., Sedakova V.A., Lukashenko T.M. THE EFFECT OF CITRUS PECTIN ON THE FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF RATS` COLON. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(4):65-69. (In Russ.)

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