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The leading factors triggering neoangiogenesis include matrix metalloproteinases. Objective: to assess the prognostic significance of the level of MMP-2 expression in colon cancer. Material and methods. The clinical and morphological analysis of 72 cases of colorectal cancer resected over 2001-2011. Immunohistochemical studies using mouse monoclonal antibodies to MMP-2 were performed in the laboratory of Collegium Medicum Bydgoszcz. Results. The research showed a relation between the level of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression in colon cancer to the age of the patients, level of differentiation, invasion and metastasis of cancer, and survival of patients. However, the data suggest there is no direct relation between an increase in the marker expression and tumor progression.

About the Authors

T. T. Shtabinskaya
Grodno State Medical University

M. . Bodnar
Collegium Medicum in Bydgoshch, Nicolaus Copernicus University

S. A. Lyalikov
Grodno State Medical University

V. A. Basinskiy
Grodno State Medical University

A. . Marshalek
Poznan University of Medical Sciences and Wielkopolski Center of Oncology


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For citations:

Shtabinskaya T.T., Bodnar M., Lyalikov S.A., Basinskiy V.A., Marshalek A. THE ASSESSMENT OF THE PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LEVEL OF MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE-2 EXPRESSION IN COLON CANCER. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(4):36-40. (In Russ.)

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