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Objective: to study the regional epidemiological features of genital HPV infection and cervical cancer, to develop an optimal strategy and tactics of medical prevention of invasive cervical cancer in young women of Gomel region. Material and methods. The data on cervical cancer incidence and mortality in the Republic of Belarus and Gomel region over 1975-2014 obtained from Belarusian Cancer Registry have been used. The results of cytology and HPV test from 1032 women residing in Gomel and 5873 women living in Dobrush and Dobrush district of Gomel region have been analyzed. The efficacy of HPV test in screening for cervical cancer has been assessed, an algorithm of medical prevention of cervical cancer has been proposed. Results. There is a negative upward trend in the cervical cancer incidence among reproductive-aged women and among women living in the countryside, while morbidity and mortality rates in middle-aged and elderly women are decreasing and carcinogenesis periods of cervical cancer are becoming shorter. 80 % patients with cervical ectopia were HPV-positive. Using DNA HPV test as a screening method can improve the diagnosis of CIN I-III and cervical cancer by 16 times compared with cytology screening. Conclusion. HPV test is an etiopathogenetically reasonable method in the wide-spread HPV epidemic and effectively involves the risk group of young female patients developing cervical cancer. It is necessary to reconsider the tactics of cervical ectopia management in favor of its active treatment.

About the Authors

V. N. Belyakovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

E. V. Voropayev
Gomel State Medical University

A. N. Volchenko

S. V. Stasenkova
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Center


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For citations:

Belyakovskiy V.N., Voropayev E.V., Volchenko A.N., Stasenkova S.V. THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF GENITAL HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTION AND CERVICAL CANCER IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND GOMEL REGION (1995-2014). Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(4):20-28. (In Russ.)

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