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The paper presents a review of publications on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of Sweet, s syndrome. It describes a clinical case with typical clinical manifestations of Sweet,s syndrome. The diagnosis was verified by clinical findings and pathohistological examination of the affected skin.

About the Authors

G. V. Dragun
Gomel State Medical University

S. A. Sokhar
Gomel State Medical University

N. N. Shibayeva
Gomel State Medical University


1. Адаскевич, В. П. Дерматозы эозинофильные и нейтрофильные / В. П. Адаскевич, О. П. Мяделец. - М.: Медицинская книга, Н. Новгород: Из-во НГМА, 2001. - С. 224-226.

2. Дерматология Фицпатрика в клинической практики / В. Клаус [и др.]. - М.: БИНОМ: Из-во Панфилова, 2012. - Т. 1. - C. 314-321.

3. Cohen, P. R. Sweet’s syndrome revisited. A review of disease concepts / P. R. Cohen, R. Kurzrock // Int J Dermatol. - 2003. - Vol. 42. - P. 761.

4. Cohen, P. R. Sweet’s syndrome revisited. A review of disease concepts / P. R. Cohen, R. Kurzrock // Int J Dermatol. - 2003. - Vol. 42. - P. 763.

5. Cohen, P. R. Neutrophilic dermatoses occurring in oncology patients. / P. R. Cohen // Int J Dermatol. - 2007. - Vol. 46. - P. 106.

6. Cohen, P. R. Sweet’s syndrome: A review of current treatment options / P. R. Cohen, R. Kurzrock // Am J Clin Dermatol. - 2002. - Vol. 106. - P. 117.

7. Drug-induced Sweet’s syndrome / М. Saez [et al.] // J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. - 2004. - Vol. 18. - P. 233.

8. Адаскевич, В. П. Диагностические индексы в дерматологии / В. П. Адаскевич. - М.: Медицинская книга, 2004. - C. 222.

9. Sweet, R. An acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis / R. Sweet // Br J Dermatol. - 1964. - Vol. 10, № 76. - P. 349.


For citations:

Dragun G.V., Sokhar S.A., Shibayeva N.N. THE СLASSICAL FORM OF SWEET’S SYNDROME. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(2):94-99. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)