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The aim of the research is to study modern data on results of medical application of diamond-like coatings. Material and methods. We have reviewed scientific English and Russian-language articles available in the Medline database and on the Internet meeting enquiries «diamond-like coating», «application of diamond-like coatings», «biocompatibility of diamond-like coatings». In the course of the search we looked through about 800 sources of patent and scientific medical information and selected 17 units of patent information and 44 units of scientific medical information for further study. Results. We systematized modern data on the results of the experimental and clinical application of diamond-like coatings, their unique properties. Together with description of failed cases of the application of implants with diamond-like coatings, there are a large number of experiments and cases with positive results in clinical practice. Conclusion. A large number of both preclinical and clinical studies on the application of diamond-like coated implants are needed.

About the Authors

V. V. Kazbanov
Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russian Federation

M. S. Batalov
Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russian Federation

A. A. Vishnevsky
Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russian Federation


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