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Objective: to study the epidemiologic situation on opisthorchiasis in Gomel region and modern features of the course of opisthorchious invasion. Material and methods. The opisthorchiasis incidence has been analyzed on data of the official statistics of the Republic of Belarus and Gomel region. 11 medical records of hospital patients (f.003/у) over 2004-2013 having undergone treatment at Gomel Regional Infectious Hospital were analyzed. Results. The opisthorchiasis incidence in Gomel region has remained high without any declining trends since 2007 and 3.3-7.75 times exceeds the average republican incidence. Thus, 25 of 31 cases (80.6 %) in 2013 and 30 of 31 (96.8 %) cases in 2012 were recorded in Gomel region, mostly in Zhlobin and Zhlobin district. The majority of the infected patients were detected during their medical check-up for employment in catering business. Only 33 (15.3 %) people were examined by clinical indications. Among the hospitalized patients, town dwellers predominated - 81.8 %. In 81.8 % of the patients, the transmission factor was dried or salted fish. The main clinical manifestations of the disease were dyspeptic and pain syndromes (cholangiocholecistitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, gastrointestinal manifestations). The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of O. felineus eggs using coproovoscopic method in 54.5 % of the cases, serologically - in 45.5 %.

About the Authors

E. L. Krasavtsev
Gomel State Medical University

V. M. Mitsura
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Krasavtsev E.L., Mitsura V.M. THE CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OPISTHORCHIASIS IN GOMEL REGION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(4):72-75. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)