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Objective: to develop a method of glossectomy with single-staged glossoplasty in cancer of the mucous membrane of the front one-third part of the tongue. Material. The work is based on the results of surgery of five patients with localization of cancer on the front one-third of the tongue. An up-to-date method of glossectomy of the front one-third of the tongue has been developed. The post-resection defect is eliminated with musculomucosal grafts from the tongue remains with restoration of the volume symmetry of neotongue. Conclusion. The application of the tongue tissues for plastic replacement of the defect minimizes traumatism of the surgery. The preservation of innervation and restoration of the structure ensure good functional effect of the glossoplasty method.

About the Authors

V. V. Anichkin
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologic Clinic

V. V. Tatchikhin
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologic Clinic


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For citations:

Anichkin V.V., Tatchikhin V.V. THE METHOD OF INTRAORAL V-SHAPED GLOSSECTOMY IN CANCER WITH SINGLE-STAGE GLOSSOPLASTY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(3):144-148. (In Russ.)

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