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The purpose of the work is to study the role and significance of the research for pro- (TNF-α, IL-23, MCP-1) and anti-inflammatory (TGF-β) blood cytokines in blood and urine in children with uropathy of the upper urinary tracts (UUUT). Material and methods . 52 children with UUUT (1 group) and also 43 children free of UUUT with the infected urinary system (2 group) were examined. The immuno-enzymic method ELISA and the corresponding test-systems were used to study the levels of cytokines in blood and urine. Results. The analysis showed a significant increase in the levels of all the studied pro- (TNF-α, MCP-1, IL-23) and anti-inflammatory (TGF-β 1) cytokines in the blood of the patients in groups 1 and 2. The levels of TNF-α and TGF-β in urine are considered as diagnostic markers of inflammation and fibrosis, including the state after reconstructive surgery, and that of MCP-1 in blood - as acute aggravation of chronic pyelonephritis. Conclusion. The TNF-α and TGF-β levels in blood of the children with congenital uropathy can be additional diagnostic and prognostic markers and also in the dynamics of the treatment with nephroprotection.

About the Authors

G. N. Drannik
Institute of Urology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

V. F. Peterburgskiy
Institute of Urology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

V. E. Driyanskaya
Institute of Urology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

N. A. Kalinina
Institute of Urology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

I. V. Bagdasarova
Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

F. Z. Gayseniuk
Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

O. V. Lavrenchuk
Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

T. V. Poroshina
Institute of Urology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

N. A. Sevastyanova
Institute of Nephrology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev


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For citations:

Drannik G.N., Peterburgskiy V.F., Driyanskaya V.E., Kalinina N.A., Bagdasarova I.V., Gayseniuk F.Z., Lavrenchuk O.V., Poroshina T.V., Sevastyanova N.A. THE STUDY OF PRO- AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES IN CHILDREN WITH UROPATHY OF THE UPPER URINARY TRACTS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(3):82-87. (In Russ.)

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